We have added an example introduction of “ServiceNow”!

We have added an example introduction of “ServiceNow”!

We have added an example introduction of “ServiceNow”, which can streamline inquiry correspondence, as well as improve the quality of service desk management.
Today, we are introducing manufacturing firm B, which unified inquiry response systems and flows between Japan and overseas, and service related firm C, which substantially reduced engineers’ workloads by streamlining their inquiry response process.
In either case, our engineers, who are well-versed in “ServiceNow”, proposed plans to tackle organizational issues, which led smoothly to introductions.
“ServiceNow” is rich with management functions, and as it can do many things, customization fitting the operational methods of businesses or organizations is vital.
If you are interested after checking out these case studies, then please get in touch with us from the “Contact us” page in below.

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